Ecclesiastes 2:2—Is laughter good or bad?

Problem: Sometimes the Bible speaks as though laughter is good and other times as though it is bad. Solomon concluded, “I said of laughter, It is madness’; and of mirth,What does it accomplish?’ ”(Ecc. 2:2). He added that “sorrow is better than laughter” (7:3). Jesus added, “Woe to you who laugh now” (Luke 6:25). On the other hand, the Bible encourages laughter, claiming that “a merry heart does good, like medicine” (Prov. 17:22). Solomon even “commended enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry” (Ecc. 8:15).

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty

Ecclesiastes 1:2—How can this book be part of the Scriptures since it contains such skepticism?

Problem: Several statements that Solomon makes throughout this book indicate a skepticism that seems contrary to the Bible as a whole. In Ecclesiastes 9:5 Solomon says, “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing.” However, the Book of Ecclesiastes is included in the canon of Holy Scriptures as an inspired book. How can such a skeptical book be inspired Scripture?

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty

Isaac and Jesus

Are the reported sacrificings of Isaac and of Jesus related? Are they narrative-tied? Does one of these events unfold with the other in mind? Does the sacrificing of Isaac prefigure or foreshadow Jesus’s? (Or alternatively, does the sacrificing of Jesus refer back to the sacrificing of Isaac?)

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Study, Bible Teaching, History, Jesus, Jesus’ Death