Items that will help you discover the truth about Roman Catholicism
Genesis 3:15 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic view of Mary as co-redemptrix with Christ?
Exodus 20:12 – Can we call anyone “father” besides God, including our parents?
2 Kings 13:21 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic practice of venerating relics and the bones of dead saints?
2 Samuel 12:21–23 – Should we pray for the dead?
Matthew 12:32 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory?
Matthew 13:45 – Was Mary a perpetual virgin, or did she have other children after Jesus’ virgin birth?
Matthew 13:55 – Did Jesus have brothers, or was Mary a perpetual virgin as Roman Catholicism claims?
Matthew 13:56 – Was Mary a perpetual virgin, or did she have other children after Jesus’ virgin birth?
Matthew 16:18—Is Peter the rock on which the church is built?
Matthew 16:18 – Did Jesus give papal authority to Peter?
Matthew 26:26 – Does this statement support the Roman Catholic view of transubstantiation?
Mark 14:22 – Does this statement support the Roman Catholic view of transubstantiation?
Luke 1:28 – Should Christians worship Mary?
Luke1:28 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic view of the sinlessness of Mary
Luke 1:42 – Was Mary sinless?
Luke 1:46 – Was Mary born sinless as Roman Catholics claim?
Luke 2:34-35 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic doctrine of the co-redemptrix nature of Mary?
Luke 22:17-20 – Does this statement support the Roman Catholic view of transubstantiation?
Acts 1:15-26 – Does this passage support papal succession?
1 Cor 3:13–15 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic view of purgatory?
1 Cor 11:29 – Is Paul referring to transubstantiation in this passage? Or something else?
Ephesians 5:11 – Let’s See What The Pope Has Said
2 Thess 2:15 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic doctrine of the teaching magisterium?
James 5:14-16 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic doctrine of the ministerial priesthood?
(The Catholic Church) Verses the True Church of Jesus Christ
A message of love for Catholics
Anti-Christ Pope
Bad News! All religions lead to Hell
Catholic people for the most part suffer from a spirit of strong delusion!
DEVOTION to mother Mary
Did mother Mary’s body see corruption in the grave?
Did You Ever Hear Of The Triple Crown
Don’t be blinded by Satan’s Angel Of Light
Exposing The Lies Of Catholicism
Exposing the lies of the Immaculate Conception
Exposing the lies of Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Exposing Satan’s mother Mary
Exposing the two mother Mary’s
Exposing The Unfruitful Works Of Darkness
False Prophets
Good News for Catholics
I Have to Tell You The Truth
If Its Any Thing That Catholics Learn From History
Is Mary the only hope for sinners?…
It’s Not Saving Faith
Jan Hus was burned alive
Jesus, God’s Greatest Gift to Mankind
Jesus Wants Your Heart Not Your Religion!
Jewish Religion And The Muslim Religion Who Is Jesus Christ?
Let’s See What This Pope Has said
Lies, lies, lies
Mother Earth
Mother Mary a False Meaditor
Mother Mary a False Mediator or a counterfeit of Jesus Christ
Mother Mary Leading Millions On The Highway To Hell
Mother Teresa (The making of a lie)
Mystical body of Christ
Out of the mouth of the beast she speaks!
Pope’s Exorcist Says the Devil Is In the Vatican
Raising Children in the spirit of Idolatry and fetishism
Rise of Antichrist Spirit
Roman Catholicism vs The Gospel
Satan And Religion
Satan in our government
Satan’s Mary Queen of Heaven!
Seeds Of Darkness
Taking Away The Second Commandment
She Is The Treat
The 15 lies Fatima!
The blind leading the Blind
The Catholic Church was built…
The Catholics Mother Mary a (Counterfeit Mediator)
The Catholics Mother Mary Leading Millions On The Highway To Hell
The Catholic Religion
The Doctrine Of The Supremacy Of The Pope
The False Gospel Of The Catholics mother Mary!
The Immaculate Deception
The Immaculate Deception 2
The Immaculate Deception Lie
The Lying mother Mary of Fatima Speaks
The Making of False Christ’s (The Catholic church)
The Real Mother Mary Of The Bible Verses The Mother Mary Of The Catholic
The Real Mother Mary
The Seat Of Satan
The Spirit Of Antichrist At Work
The Succession of the Pope
The Supremacy Of The Pope
The Unfruitful works of the Islamic Religion and Catholic religion
The Veneration Of Images
The Wafer Jesus of the Catholic Religion a different Christ
The Wafer Jesus Of The Catholic Religion Is A Different Christ 2
The Worst Act Of Spiritual Idolatry Your Eyes Will Ever See
Things to give up for lent
Two Doors To Hell
Unfruitful Works of Darkness
Wake Up My People
Who Is The Way?
Your lies will find you out
Are Roman Catholics Christians?
Is There Another Christ?
Last Rites
Mama’s Girls
Mary’s Kids
Men In Black
The Awful Truth
The Death Cookie
Tiny Towers
Why Is Mary Crying?
PDF Files
Did the Jesuits Tamper with the scriptures?
7 Part Video Series on Roman Catholicism
An Earnest Plea to Roman Catholics
Do Catholics Pray To Mary?
Ten Fatal Flaws of Catholicism
The Catholic Inquisition in Brief
The Pope and his church in the endtimes
What is the origin of the Catholic Church?