Beginning Exposing IGNATIUS ( 50-110)

Came across this twisted Catholic Post! I wonder How many Catholic’s who have been brainwashed with this lie!
So, let me enlighten you my Catholic friends to those of you who have been deceived by the lying Catholic Church fathers, and cult to the chase what they actually taught
Beginning Exposing IGNATIUS ( 50-110)
Their is no bigger lie! Than these church fathers, I can prove it very easily!
Than what? Are you still going to stay in the Catholic religion?
Here is a lying church father of the Catholic religion!
IGNATIUS (c. 50-110)
IGNATIUS taught that churches should have elders and a ruling bishop; in other words, he was exalting one bishop over another
If IGNATIUS would have read the writings of Peter!
He would have not made such a ridiculous statement!
This is proof! That IGNATIUS never read Peter, because Peter in his writings never taught this lie!
Clearly he was not taught by any apostle! Of the New testament!
Whereas in scripture the terms “bishop” and “elder” refer to the same humble office in the assembly (Titus 1:5-7). The Word of God proves that Ignatius was a liar and teaching false doctrine!
IGNATIUS taught that all churches are a part of one universal church.
This is the same lie! That every Pope has preached and Pope Francis is still preaching this demonic lie! today
Jesus said: in John 14:6 he is the only way! singular ( No such thing as many ways in the universal church )
Jesus said he is the only truth! Again, singular (Not the universal church, that embraces all religions! ) No matter what they teach!
Example: the Muslim religion denies ( the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ) these people are in the Popes universal church, but clearly they are not in the body of Christ his church!
And I am the life
However, in John 14:6, Jesus proclaimed, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In other words, there are no options on the route to eternal life there is only one way, and Jesus is that way!
( Not the universal church taught by IGNATIUS) as you can see clearly! IGNATIUS was not taught by any apostle of the New testament!
The apostles knew about the real true church Of Jesus Christ!
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence
( This is not the universal church )
And I close out with this statement my Catholic friends!
Alphonsus liguori wrote in his book the glories of Mary Page 256 that Ignatius said! A sinner cannot be saved except by means of the Holy Virgin, who on the other hand, saves By her merciful intercession!
Conclusion: This my Catholic friend is a false gospel! Proof that Ignatius was not taught by any apostle, and proof of Ignatius preaching salvation through mother Mary! He was the
beginning of the history of the lying church fathers of the Catholic religion