Select A Study
James 1:2 – Is it desirable to avoid trials and temptation?
James 1:6 – Is it a sin to doubt?
James 1:13 – Does God tempt people or not?
James 1:15 – If God doesn’t tempt anyone, then why did He tempt Abraham?
James 2:12 – Does the law bring liberty or bondage?
James 2:14-26 – Is salvation by faith or works?
James 2:19 – If the demons believe in God, then why are they not saved?
James 2:21 – If Abraham was saved by works, why does the Bible say he was justified by faith?
James 2:24 – Are we saved by grace or works?
James 3:6 – Does the “course of nature” refer to reincarnation?
James 4:5 – Is this in the OT or not, and why is God jealous?
James 5:1–6 – Are riches a blessing or a curse?
James 5:12—Is oath-taking forbidden or blessed?
James 5:14 – Why did they anoint people with oil? Should we do this practice today?
James 5:14-16 – Does this passage support the Roman Catholic doctrine of the ministerial priesthood?
James 5:17 – Was the drought three years or three-and-a-half years?
James 5:19-20 – Will we go to hell if we stray from the truth?