About Us

I am christian first off and I  believe the bible is the complete word of God. I was born again when I was around 10 years old, before that i was raised in the Methodist Church. At around 14 years old my family started going to a United Pentecostal Church. and about 2 years later we left that church and went to an Assemblies of God Church.

There is more but to cut this all short..i got mixed up in Word of Faith, Children of God, and a host of other religions, but deep down I knew I was off the mark, was never happy deep down. About 5 years ago I gave my heart and life back to Jesus and started a crash course on the bible study. I was looking for the pathway 2 truth.  I learned that my final authority is the bible, not some man’s word.

The main purpose for this site is to Lovingly and Boldly, put up a strong fight by proclaiming and defending the truth

Thank you for time and I hope you find the pathway2truth in your life