The Supremacy Of The Pope

1 The Catholic catechism says: (882) The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter’s successor, “is the perpetual and visible SOURCE AND FOUNDATION of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful.” “For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as VICAR OF CHRIST, and as PASTOR OF THE ENTIRE CHURCH HAS FULL, SUPREME and UNIVERSAL POWER OVER THE WHOLE CHURCH, a power which he can ALWAYS EXERCISE UNHINDERED.” (Page 254)

2 Here is once again another anti-Christ teaching and a very haughty statement to make when you think about it. In fact do you know as a Catholic that this statement is not found in the bible, not to mention that it’s not Biblical either!

3 My Catholic friends from the books of Genesis to Revelation, you will not find any demonic! Doctrine on the Supremacy of the pope or bishop of Rome that the apostles ever wrote about. Even Peter himself NEVER WROTE ABOUT THIS LIE! In any of his 8 chapters that he written.

4 As a Catholic this may come to be a shock for you spiritually speaking that there is ONE that has the supremacy in the biblical Christian church. That’s the church’s FOUNDER and FOUNDATION, is built upon his name is Jesus Christ, do I hear amen!

5 Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church (NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH) who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in ALL things HE might have the PREEMINENCE.

6 Does this Scripture say that the pope is to have the preeminence in all things??? NO, it’s JESUS. One thing that the Roman Catholic Church has is consistency. Consistency in applying the authority and glory that rightly belongs to JESUS Christ and transferring it ALL TO THEMSELVES! And to their counterfeit Catholic Church, and to their counterfit mother Mary!

7 We STILL have the SAME COMMON THREAD of lies in the catechism. It’s amazing, eh? – How mother Mary, priests, and the pope, and the catholic institution itself takes on the authority and attributes of Jesus.

This religious institution is most definitely the fulfillment of biblical prophecy where “man” the POPE! And the Catholics mother Mary are exalted and God effectively put on the back burner. They verily take the place of Almighty God and His Christ – definition of Anti Christ!!!

Remember the Greek word for ANTI means in place of, instead, opposed, against, our English word is SUBSTITUTION which means the action of replacing someone or something with another person or thing. You will see this word ANTI many times when I am exposing the Catholic Church and her many antichrist teachings.

This is why the Catholic religion is anti-Christ it substitutes the work of Jesus on the cross which he said it is finished! John 19:30 with their anti-Christ Mass, and PURGATORY, WHICH SAYS NO ITS NOT! YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR PART!

The Catholic religion is anti-Christ when it comes to the blood of Jesus Christ the Word of God says Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

The Catholic religion rejects the blood of Christ and substitutes it with their Purgatory again making the Catholic religion anti-Christ and making the blood of Jesus Christ of no effect!

8 (891) THE ROMAN PONTIFF, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this INFALLIBILITY in virtue of his office, when, as SUPREME PASTOR and teacher of all the faithful–who confirms his brethren in the faith–he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals. . . . The INFALLIBILITY promised to the Church is also present in the body of bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, they exercise the supreme Magisterium,” above all in an Ecumenical Council. When the Church through its supreme Magistrium proposes a doctrine “for belief as being divinely revealed,” and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions “must be adhered to with the obedience of faith.” This INFALLIBILITY EXTENDS AS FAR AS THE DEPOSIT OF DIVINE REVELATION ITSELF. (Page 256)

9 The pope is infallible? WHAT! A mere man is INFALLIBLE???? Does the word cult come to your mind ? What does the Scriptures say my Catholic friends?

10 Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it?
11. 1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, WE DECEIVE OURSELVES, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. IF WE SAY THAT WE HAVE NOT SINNED , WE MAKE HIM A LIAR, AND HIS WORD IS NOT IN US.

12 Isaiah 64:6 But we are ALL as an unclean thing, and ALL our RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE AS FILTHY RAGS; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

13 So, my Catholic friend what did you learn from these 3 scriptures Someone’s lying here. I’ll bet it’s NOT the Word of God, either!!! So, the “Pontiff”, the descendant of the Roman Pontifex Maximus, the high priest of the ancient pagan Roman cult religion is infallible – according to the catholic catechism, Wow! The Pope is really God on earth, since God is the only infallible person that I know of!

The Catholic Church realizes that we all have bibles now so the best plan that they can come up with was their anti-Christ catholic catechism book, to conform the Catholic minds not to believe the Word of God but rather to believe the anti-Christ catechism book.

14 The reason why for the catechism book is to have unity of faith, right? That would effectively solve the problem of the multiple sects and religions and the ensuing confusion that is now going on around the world over. That would surely rid the earth of the problems resulting from all the twisting and distortions of Scripture.

15 Yes, my Catholic friend it’s simply all a spiritual deception Jeremiah spoke well when he said via inspiration of the Holy Spirit: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Of course this doctrine of the supremacy of the pope is based on a Scripture which was twisted and distorted and mangled: here It is:

16 Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

17 The Catholic Church takes the above Scripture to build their false doctrine of the anti-Christ teaching of the supremacy of the pope. They say that the Catholic church was built on Peter the (rock). Not Christ – “the ROCK OF AGES”. It’s interesting to note that the other three renditions of the gospel make no mention of this statement of Jesus.

18 On this ONE Scripture verse Matthew 16: 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The Catholic Church maintains that the book of Matthew, since it was written in Aramaic and was then transliterated into Greek, did not provide the accurate translation of “petra” (large rock) and applied “petros”(small stone) instead because of the gender rendering.

The actual word, they say is “kepha” which is a massive rock. They render the verse to say: “You are Peter (kepha – massive rock) and upon this kepha (massive rock) I will build my church. To simplify it further, they say that Jesus was saying: “You are a MASSIVE ROCK, and on you, Peter a MASSIVE ROCK, I will build my church.” What??

If you as a Catholic really believe the Word of God, and really trust the Word of God than listen to what the scripture is saying to you!
the Scriptures THEMSELVES provide the interpretation of what Peter’s name meant: John 1:42 ” And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A STONE.” Either way, no matter how you look at it.

19 Peter is NOT the foundation of the church – JESUS IS!!!!! Like I often say folks it’s not that Catholics can’t read the Bible, it’s that they don’t believe what it says! This is a perfect example.

What manner of sinful desperation would lead men to assume the glory and prerogatives of Almighty God??? The Catholic Church says that Jesus is the FOUNDER of the Catholic Church, but Peter is the FOUNDATION of the Christian church. So, according to Catholicism, Jesus, the Son of the Living God started the Christian church, but BUILT it on a man, Peter. Kind of inconsistent don’t you think?

20 The church, which means “the called out assembly”, which consisted of people was FOUNDED by Jesus and built on the FOUNDATION of Peter one of the “called-out” people, according to the teachings of Catholicism!

21 Actually, the truth of the matter is that the church of Jesus Christ was not only FOUNDED by Christ, but Jesus Christ is also the FOUNDATION! of the true church the BODY OF CHRIST (NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH)

1 Peter 2:6 For this is contained in Scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a chosen stone, a precious (honored) Cornerstone, And he who believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] will never be disappointed [in his expectations].”

So, right here my Catholic friends even Peter himself said that Jesus is the CORNERSTONE! I don’t understand the Catholic Church claims that they gave us the bible, than turn around and complain after we read the bible and tell them about their many anti-Christ teachings, that we are wrong? Maybe if the Catholic Church really read the bible we would not be in such a spiritual mess! Really my Catholic friends just think about this point!
If the supremacy of Peter was already settled, already a done deal, why the strife, or intense fellowship among the disciples ?????

22 Matthew 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, WHO IS THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN?
23 Mark 9:34 But they held their peace: for by the way THEY HAD DISPUTED AMONG THEMSELVES, WHO SHOULD BE THE GREATEST.

25 Strife among the disciples , eh? As a Catholic maybe you never read this or was not able to understand, just like the disciples did not understand, About who should be the greatest???? So, tell me my Catholic friend Who had the supremacy here????

Don’t you think,This would have been a good time the perfect opportunity for Jesus to settle this question once and for all!!!
He Jesus could have told them – “Hey, I already told you all, Peter is the greatest among you. He’s the ROCK upon which I’m building my church. Listen to him. I have given him infallibility in all the oracles of God Almighty.”

But guess what my Catholic friends, Nothing even remotely close to that was said by Jesus.

26 Besides, with the BIG MOUTH that Peter possessed, he himself would have straightened out the rest of the disciples . He would have said something like: “The Lord said it’s ME that’s the greatest and has the supremacy, I’M the ROCK that Jesus is building His church upon me!” But nope, no such statement was made by Peter.

27 Then Jesus would have concurred. Make sense???? It NEVER happened! Jesus wouldn’t have left them in the dark as to the answer of such an important question?

28 It took CENTURIES after the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven and the death of the apostles for this anti-Christ false doctrine of demons of the pope to be formulated.

That should be enough of a tip-off my Catholic friend of this anti-Christ teaching of such a claim.

Paul well knew that the “mystery of iniquity” was already beginning to work in the church which would eventually develop into the anti-christ system of Roman Catholicism.

29 So, it’s Jesus that’s the FOUNDATION of the church. He’s the ROCK upon which the church is built.

In love my Catholic friends, if you could clear your mind of the spirit of error! And pray to the Holy Spirit of truth and read Matthew 16:18 in it’s ENTIRE CONTEXT, you will get the real truth and the meaning. Jesus was with his disciples and asked the question: “Who do men say that I am?” The disciples answered ” some say……” Then Jesus asked them:

30 Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Matthew 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto
thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
31 Now you can see the entire picture here, the entire CONTEXT. The rock that Jesus is building His church is on the ROCK OF THE STATEMENT OF FAITH SPOKEN BY PETER: “THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.” Our faith is built on the ROCK of Jesus Christ! The gates of hell CANNOT PREVAIL AGAINST SUCH A FAITH! (NOT AGAINST THE CATHOLIC CHURCH) Which you have been brain washed to believe!
Do you understand now my Catholic friends that you have been deceived by your Catholic Church, you have been brain washed with it’s anti – Christ catechism to believe it’s many lies,

32 Throughout all the years of persecution by Imperial Rome, the gates of hell did not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ.
Throughout all the 1260 years of the Catholic church inquisition. persecution by Papal Rome, the gates of hell did not prevail against the TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Why???

Because the FAITH of those of biblical Christians that preferred cruel torture and death by the hands of the Roman Catholic church and by the hands of the Roman Catholic Papacy could NOT be conquered.

33 They could not, did not and will not EVER prevail against such a FAITH. Their FAITH in Jesus the ROCK made them “more than conquerors!” That’s the message. My Catholic friends, Jesus is the ROCK. Not Peter, nor any of the haughty anti-Christ pontiffs.

Praise be to Jesus Christ for HIS LOYALTY to HIS own that are LOYAL and glory goes to HIM ALONE!!!! Amen!

34 Prayer God I come to you Lord in the name of Jesus I ask Father God that you open the spiritual eyes of some of the Catholic people that they are able to discern truth from error set them free my Jesus that you alone are the really true Rock of our salvation amen.

35 If your eyes have been open by what I have just shared with you praise God! That being the case here is a prayer of confession that begins your new personal relationship with Jesus. You are not praying to mother Mary, or praying to a priest, you are praying to your heavenly Father God.
36 Heavenly Father I confess I am a sinner I need forgiven of all of my sins Lord I repen

t of not fully trusting in you alone! I repent of trusting in mother Mary, I repent of praying to mother Mary, I repent! of trusting in and wearing the brown scapular. I repent of praying to dead saints, and to angels, my Father I repent of trusting in the priest to forgive me of my sins, I repent of trusting in the rosary and praying the rosary, I repent of trusting in my baby baptism to save me. I repent of trusting in the sacraments, I repent of trusting in my good works, I repent of trusting in the Eucharist being the deity of Christ, I now know Lord I must trust in you alone! I believe the blood of Jesus cleanse me of all of my sins 1 John 1:9

37 I now understand that its only the blood of Christ that redeems my soul Ephesians 1:7 I believe that Jesus died was bury, and rose from the dead, with my heart I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my life thank you Jesus for saving me and giving me eternal life 1 John 5:13 Ephesians 2:8-9 and writing my name down in the book of life Revelation 20:15

38 Pass this on to your love ones and friends that today they may get saved, if you do get saved let us know so that we may rejoice in your new found freedom from being set free from the religious bondage of the Roman Catholic Church.