Gal 4:3 – What does Paul mean by the “elemental things of the world”?

Problem: The expression “elemental things of the world” has confused commentators for years. Ben Witherington writes, “The meaning of this last phrase is certainly one of the most debated issues in all of Pauline studies.”[1] This is, no doubt, because the Greek term stoicheia “was capable of taking on a wide variety of specific meanings as it was used in different spheres of ideas.”[2] For instance, the author of Hebrews uses it of the basics of spirituality (Heb. 5:12), and in extrabiblical Greek, Plato used stoicheia of teaching children the “alphabet” or the “ABC’s.”

What does Paul mean by this difficult phrase in the context of Galatians 4?

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal 3:16 – Was the seed singular or plural?

Problem: Paul quotes Genesis 22:18 in his letter to the Galatians. He writes, “God gave the promises to Abraham and his child. And notice that the Scripture doesn’t say ‘to his children,’ as if it meant many descendants. Rather, it says ‘to his child’—and that, of course, means Christ” (Gal. 3:16 NLT). Paul takes notice of the fact that Genesis 22:18 refers to the singular child (or “seed”) of Abraham, rather than the plural children. However, critics notice that “seed” in the Hebrew was a collective singular noun. That is, even though it is singular, it refers to the entirety of Abraham’s offspring—not a singular person.

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal 3:13 – Is Christ blessed or cursed?

Problem: Paul declares that Christ was cursed of God, “having become a curse for us.” However, the Bible declares repeatedly that Christ was blessed of God (cf. Ps. 72:17), the one worthy to receive “glory and blessing” forever (Rev. 5:12).

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal 2:16 – Are we saved by grace or works?

Problem: Many people in false religions teach that salvation and forgiveness of sins are obtained by faith and good works. Many appeal to Scripture to support this idea. But, when these verses are examined in context, they do not teach that works of any kind save us. In fact, the Bible clearly teaches that were saved without the works of the law.  This is because nobody can keep the Law perfectly. God requires holiness (1 Pet. 1:16), nothing less.

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal. 2:1-10 – Is this passage referring to the Council of Jerusalem (in Acts 15) or is it something else?

Problem: Some scholars believe that Acts 15 and Galatians 2:1-10 are describing the same event from two different perspectives, because these two events have so much in common.[1] First, both passages describe an important event in Jerusalem. Second, both passages have the same people involved (e.g. Paul, Barnabas, Peter, James and Judaizers). Third, both passages seem to be dealing with the same subject (i.e. Gentile acceptance and participation in both salvation and fellowship). Fourth, both passages mention that circumcision is not necessary for salvation. And fifth, both passages refer to the internal struggles of Christian believers. Are these passages describing the same event?

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal. 2:2, 6, 9 – Why does Paul write that these men were of reputation? Is he being condescending?

Problem: Paul writes about the other apostles in a bizarre way. It almost seems as though he is talking down to them. He writes, “To those who were of reputation…” (Gal. 2:2), “Those who were of high reputation (what they were makes no difference to me)…” (Gal. 2:6), and “Who were reputed to be pillars…” (Gal. 2:9) These descriptions almost seem sarcastic. Was Paul trashing the other apostles?

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching

Gal 2:1 – What did Paul do in the 14 year period before his second journey?

Problem: Scholars have referred to this period of Paul’s life as “Paul’s Lost Years.” Many have held that Paul was reflecting on the Old Testament out in the wilderness somewhere like Elijah. Perhaps, during these so-called “Lost Years,” Paul was studying to become an official minister in the church. Is this the case?

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Posted by petra1000 in Bible Difficulty, Bible Study, Bible Teaching, History