The Seat Of Satan

It has been often said, that if it’s anything that people learn from history, it’s that people don’t learn from history.
Such is the case when it comes to the rise of the Catholic Church. When you study bible prophecy, in the book of Daniel in the end you end up with Rome, being the beast!

In 2 Thessalonians 2:4 it says

He who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God. Remember folks this was written before the first Pope was ever crowned!
Their is no one that fits this prophecy more than the popes of the Roman Catholic church.

The beast has to be both a government, and a religious institution, and they have to sit in a temple claming they are God. Right now as far as bible prophecy goes I believe that the anti-christ is the Pope, of course the names may change, but not the seat or the religious system. Also, don’t forget that Rome is more than a religious institution, it is also a government, as well.

For 1500 years known as the Dark Days the Roman Catholic church known as the whore in the book of Revelation chapter 17:1, and the Queen of heaven, Revelation 18:7 rape, murder, burned, tortured people and stold their land on their rise to power! Throughout Europe doing the Inquisition period.

The Seat of Satan that these false gods spoke from is a very dark and demonic! Sorry to say the lease. as through the ages these false gods or anti-christ leaders made doctrine after doctrine, mixing their interperation of scripture with the Word of God, and evening adding to the World of God.
I realize many of you will not agree! Thats ok! But for now when I see such statements like this one pope, made as he Sat in the Seat of Satan, proves to me that this seat is the seat of Satan, and when they speak they speak for Satan.

John wrote in 96 ad Revelation chapter 13 about the coming antichrist, and his number.

History tells me that the first Pope was crowned in 858 ad his name was Nicholas 1 Who wore the first Tiara, and the last Pope to wear this God Tiara was Pope Paul VI in 1963,

The pope wears upon his pontifical crown in jeweled letters, this title: ‘Vicarius means (substituting for, or in place of) Filii means (Son) Dei’ means ( God ) the numerical value of which title is six hundred and sixty-six.

Now you know why that billions of Catholic’s are going to end up in hell, because of a lack of spiritual knowledge.
Knowledge of not knowing the TRUTH!

Knowledge of knowing the TRUTH! And reject it

I realize that what I have written is hard to believe if you are Catholic, after being in this religious institution for 35 years of my life. Jesus set me free! To warn you as a Catholic, that you need to be praying to the Holy Spirit of God, to open up your spiritual eyes, and trust in his Word to be the final authority

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

The prayer you are about to pray is not to a saint, not to a priest, not to your angelic mother Mary, but to God your heavenly Father, do not pray this prayer unless you mean it in your heart!

Heavenly Father I confess I am a sinner I need forgiven of all of my sins Lord I repent of not fully trusting in you alone! I repent of trusting in mother Mary, I repent of praying to mother Mary, I repent! of trusting in and wearing the brown scapular. I repent of praying to dead saints, and to angels, my Father I repent of trusting in the priest to forgive me of my sins, I repent of trusting in the rosary and praying the rosary, I repent of trusting in my baby baptism to save me. I repent of trusting in the sacraments, I repent of trusting in my good works, I repent of trusting in the Eucharist being the deity of Christ, I now know Lord I must trust in you alone! I believe the blood of Jesus cleanse me of all of my sins 1 John 1:9

I now understand that its only the blood of Christ that redeems my soul Ephesians 1:7 I believe that Jesus died was bury, and rose from the dead, with my heart I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my life thank you Jesus for saving me and giving me eternal life 1 John 5:13 Ephesians 2:8-9 and writing my name down in the book of life Revelation 20:15

If you pray this prayer, your first step of faith is to call the people who are praying for you that are born-again, they will be so excited to hear that you have put all of your trust and faith in Christ alone!