Jewish Religion And The Muslim Religion Who Is Jesus Christ?

Both religions see Jesus as only a Prophet! Their lays the problem. The reason for this post is to show Catholics how they have been brain washed, like these two religions who have been brain washed to believe that Jesus Christ was only a Prophet! But for the Jewish person, and the Muslim person there is good news for you, if you are willing to count the cost of letting go of your religion, and allow the Spirit of truth open up your spiritual eyes!

This is what both religions are missing, as well as those in the Catholic religion!

Ephesians 1:18, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, (Amen, Amen & Amen.) May God Open The Eyes Of Your Understanding, my Catholic friends, Jewish friends, and Muslim friends.

The Suffering Servant

Isaiah 53 to this day is still a heated debate among Jews, and many Muslims, why you may ask? All because of Isaiah 53
Many messianic Jews and rabbis considered Isaiah 53 a messianic prophecy becomes obvious as I began my research on this subject.
It did not take me long to discover and realize that all Jewish religious leaders do not agree on the interpretation of the Torah. Just like the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox do not agree on some points of teachings in their religion!
For an example Isaiah 53 I came upon this rabbi who of course had a bent on Christians, not Catholics so to avoid the obvious Christian implications, of Isaiah 53 rabbi Rashi (Rabbi Solomon Izaak, circa 1040-1105 A. D.) referred this passage to the sufferings of the nation of Israel, despite the fact that rabbis such as the great Maimonides thought it was wrong to apply this to Israel. They rather maintained the belief that this passage of Scripture was about Messiah.

The reason for Rashi’s attempt to make Israel the central focus of this passage was due to his seemingly anti-Christian bias, a fact to which he freely admitted: What this means is that this Jewish teacher is dead wrong, and has influence the minds of many Jewish young men! Who have chosen to follow a wrong teacher, consider more proof.

Here we have Rabbi R. Elyyah de Vidas saying that, “The meaning of ‘he was wounded for our transgressions, … bruised for our iniquities’ is, that since the Messiah bears our iniquities, which produce the effect of His being bruised, it follows that whoever will not admit that the Messiah suffers for our iniquities must endure and suffer for themselves.

More proof! that Jesus was the suffering messiah Midrash Tanhuma and Yalkut, vol. 2, par. 338 on Isaiah 52:13 states that the expressions “exalted, and extolled and be very high” indicates that, “Messiah shall be more exalted than Abraham… more extolled than Moses” This again demonstrates that Isaiah 52:13-53:12 was viewed by many rabbis as a messianic prophecy.

Now until recent times this prophecy has been almost universally received by Jews as referring to Messiah is evident from Targum Jonathan who introduces Messiah by name in chp. LII.13; from the Talmud (Sanhedrin vol. 98b); and from the Zohar.

In fact it was not until Rabbi Rashi [Rabbi Solomon Izaak (1040-1105)], who is considered the originator of the modern school of Jewish interpretation], came along and applied it to the Jewish nation.

Now I understand where the error and the line of thinking came from about Isaiah 53 referring to JESUS THE MESSIAH it comes from the false teacher Rashi and his heart had a bent on Christianity, so of course he is going to interpret Isaiah 53 to refer to the nation of Israel and all those that follow and trust in him are being Led astray from Jesus the messiah. Just like Catholic people who think and believe that their religion was built on Peter, and him being the first Pope! And for centuries these anti-Christ Popes have drawn people to them instead of to Jesus Christ

In spite of all of this proof many Jews, and Muslims remain spiritually blinded to who Jesus was and what he did for them on the cross. Just like the Catholic religion who says with their mouths that they believe what Jesus did for them on the cross, but remain spiritually blinded by rejecting John 19:30 think about this my Catholic friends, IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE WHAT JESUS DID FOR YOU ON THE CROSS! THEIR WOULD BE NO NEED FOR THE CATHOLIC PRIEST HOOD, NO NEED FOR THE MASS, NO NEED FOR PUGATORY! BECAUSE CATHOLICS HAVE THESE THINGS IS PROOF! THAT THERE IS NO TRUST IN CHRIST ALONE!

Just like the Catholics who on the other hand know who Jesus is and what he did on the Cross, but do not believe in JUSTIFICATION ALONE! for their salvation remain just as blind as the young Jewish men who have been taught that Isaiah 53 is talking about the nation ISRAEL!

Here is more proof! to prove that Isaiah 53 is talking about Jesus the Messiah and not a reference to the nation of Israel.

Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Israel a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look to Me, the One they have pierced, and mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a firstborn Son.”

My Jewish friend, and my Muslim friends as you look at this prophecy please notice! The words THEY WILL LOOK TO ME, can you not see this is talking about a person (not to Israel ) surely you have to know the difference between a person and a nation? An astonishing prophecy indeed! God claims that they will personally pierce Him. Yet, at the same time God refers to the pierced One as someone that is personally distinct from Him for whom the nations mourn and weep as for a firstborn Son.

‘THEY SHALL LOOK ON ME WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED, so if it refers to the Messiah he cannot be a mere man as many of the Jewish Rabbis and Muslim teachers say, but must be divine!

Rabbi Moshe Alshekh also confirms the messianic overtones of Isaiah 53 prophecy: ”I will do yet a thing, and that is, that ‘they shall look unto me for they shall lift up their eyes unto me in perfect repentance, when they see Him whom they have pierced’, that is Messiah, the son of Joseph; for our Rabbis, of blessed memory, have said that He will take upon Himself all the guilt of Israel, and shall then be slain to make atonement in such manner that it shall be accounted as if Israel had pierced Him, for on account of their sin He has died; and therefore, in order that it may be reckoned to them as a perfect atonement, they will repent and look to the blessed One, saying, that there is none beside Him to forgive those that mourn on account of Him who died for their sin: this is the meaning of ‘they shall look upon me.'” (Schwarz, “Dear Rabbi,” p.10)

The only person who ever claimed to be both God and the Son of God, as well as being the only self-professed Messiah that was pierced, was Jesus Christ the Messiah of Israel . (cf. John 10:30; Mark 14:61b-62; Luke 24:44-47). He is the only self-professed Messiah to be born in Bethlehem and to come forth from Galilee. (cf. Matthew 2:1,22; Luke 2:4-7; Mark 1:9)

In spite of How Jews and Muslim reject Jesus as the suffering servant the door of salvation is still open to you today my Jewish and Muslim friends.
Here is a salvation prayer of faith, trust, and repentance.

Father God I come to you in the name of Jesus the Messiah I repent God of not trusting in the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ on that cross to pay my sin debt and his blood for the forgiveness of my sins. I repent God of trusting in my works of righteousness to merit salvation an not trusting in the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Messiah is the suffering servant and that he took my place on that cross and died for my sins and rose again from the dead to give me eternal life.

Thank you Jesus for writing my name down in the book of Life Revelation 20:14-15