Isaiah 42:8
I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, (NOT TO MOTHER MARY, NOT TO POPES, AND NOT TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ) neither my praise to graven images.
So, here we are again my Catholic friends once again as we examine the word DEVOTION as you already know or may not know as a Catholic, if you read the bible on your own without the Catholic brain washing you will never see one passage in the whole bible that tells you to do DEVOTION to mother Mary! Not one
The Bible says: 1 Cor. 7:35, “And this I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is seemly, and to secure undistracted DEVOTION to the Lord.”
Now my Catholic friends you have just read scripture, and who are you to do DEVOTION to GOD ALONE!
NOW LETS SEE WHAT THE Catholic Church has to say: The Catholic religion says: “The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an “epitome of the whole Gospel,” express this DEVOTION to the Virgin Mary,” (CCC. 971).
OK, my Catholic friends here we see very clearly! That the Catholic Church is not the true biblical church founded on Jesus Christ, how can I make such a statement? Simple if you read the book of Ephesians you will discover that Jesus’ true spiritual church is built on him as being the cornerstone!
And all of the Catholic Church lies about Peter given the keys, is very bad interpretation, how can I say that? Because the true Church of Jesus Christ has to be without SPOT AND WRINKLE! Ephesians 5:27 That He might present the church to Himself (NOT MOTHER MARY) in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things that she might be holy and faultless. And we know that Peter never was without SPOT OR WRINKLE!
So, you now know the truth that the Catholic Church has never ever been without SPOT OR WRINKLE! Therefore is a counterfeit church at work, or as I come to call it a anti-Christ religion.
Now when I use the word anti-Christ the Greek word (ANTI) Meaning of prefix anti- by etymonline
word-forming element of Greek origin meaning “against, opposed to, opposite of, instead,”
SO, my Catholic friends if you look up the word INSTEAD you will discover a great spiritual truth! That this word is used as a substitute or alternative to; in place of. Now, you know as a Catholic just how deceptive your Catholic religion has become, and how its built mostly on anti-Christ teachings.
Now remember what makes the Catholic Church so spiritually dangerous is how she mixes some biblical truth, with many anti-Christ teachings, from here CCC
The Catholic Church is not anti-Christ as being against Christ, but she is anti-Christ by Substituting or alternative to; in place of. So, what we have here my Catholic friends is a different Catholic Church, that is not built on Jesus but rather IN PLACE OF JESUS a counterfeit!
One that is built on the Catholics mother Mary, as you can see here in this post the Catholic Church has SUBSTITUTED the words DEVOTION to the Lord.” TO DEVOTION to the Virgin Mary,”
Again, folks as you see DEVOTION is only to the Lord he is deity! But nope! The Catholic religion has exalted their mystical mother Mary to deity! Therefore Catholics are to express DEVOTION to her, this my Catholic friends is pure Idolatry.
Do you realize that there is not one scripture in the entire Word of God that uses the word DEVOTION to mother Mary, NOT ONE VERSE! So why don’t you stop committing this sin of spiritual IDOLATRY , and repent!
Listen my Catholic friends today is the day of salvation you do not want to die lost trusting in mother Mary and your Catholic religion, if you are willing to repent of your self-righteousness than you can be saved this very minute.
If what I have written bares witness to your spirit than the Holy Spirit is convicting you, that being the case
Here is prayer that will get you started, in a new relationship with Jesus, calling you out of the bondage of the Catholic religion! Into his glorious light
This prayer is a prayer of confession! Not to a priest, not to a saint, not to mother Mary but to your !Heavenly Father God Almighty
This prayer of Repentance, Faith, and Trust totally in Christ alone!
We are called to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength! So, it is up to you my Catholic friends to choose wisely your soul depends upon your allegiance to God only and his written Word! Or to the Catholic Church, and their written Word Please! Do not pray this prayer unless you mean it in your heart, it will do you no good!
I confess I am a sinner I need forgiven of all of my sins Lord
I repent of not fully trusting in you alone!
I repent of trusting in mother Mary,
I repent of praying the rosary to mother Mary, to dead saints, my Father I repent of trusting in the priest to forgive me of my sins,
I repent of trusting in the rosary,
I repent of trusting in my baby baptism to save me.
I repent of trusting in the sacraments,
I repent of trusting in my good works,
I repent of trusting in the Eucharist being the deity of Christ,
I now know Lord I must trust in you alone!
I believe the blood of Jesus cleanse me of all of my sins 1 John 1:9
I now understand that its only the blood of Christ that redeems my soul Ephesians 1:7 I believe that Jesus died was bury, and rose from the dead, with my heart I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my life thank you Jesus for saving me and giving me eternal life 1 John 5:13 Ephesians 2:8-9 and writing my name down in the book of life Revelation 20:15
If you pray this prayer your first step of faith and trust in the Lord Jesus is to walk out of the doors, of the Catholic Church!
Your second step is to call the people who are praying for you that are born-again Christians that are not in the Catholic religion, they will be so excited to hear that you have put all of your trust and faith in Christ alone!
In fact you can even go to church with your love ones, can you image how excited they would be, knowing that they prayed you into the spiritual kingdom of God.
In closing, let me say this as a Catholic are you willing to count the cost to follow the true Jesus?
Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; (do you hear this you anti-Christ Pope Francis, and your false goepel) I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [of division between belief and unbelief] (between the anti-Christ teachings of the Catholic Church and the WORD OF GOD ) 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his [own] household [when one believes and another does not] (NO FALSE UNITY)
So here we see my Catholic friends, that many of us have already experience this in our families, where we got saved and others remain in the Catholic Church there is no doubt about it, it’s hard to deal with because light and darkness cannot have UNITY!
Have a blessed day!