Coke-Cola And The Gospel

A pastor brought a can of coke-cola and held up and ask the audience if they knew what this was.

They cheered and said yes

Then the pastor them who has ever been to another country and about 4 people raised their hands.

OK name them, some one said New Zeland, Congo, Greece, Israel

Then the minster asked if they had coca cola, they all said yes

The pastor said then as of today only 2 countries (North Korea, Cuba) do not have coke-cola

The Pastor said when was coke-cola invented. Someone yelled 1886, pastor said correct.

That would make it about 135 years old

The pastor then asked If Coke-cola was good for you, Most of the audience said no not really.

The pastor then is Jesus good for you, most of the people said YES!!!

The pastor then said open your bibles and let us read Matt 28:19-20 Here is the great commission that the lord has given his church about 2,000 years ago. How has the church done? No so well, Only about 50% of the worlds population have heard and know who Jesus is.

Maybe Coca-cola should be spreading the gospel

The audience gasped and go silent.

Posted by petra1000

I am a born again christian who loves the Lord and I am taking bible classes online